Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Family and Stuff
Yesterday most of my day was spent cleaning so not much excitement. Kai seems to have calmed down a little after a few days of time outs. He's definitely still doing things just because he knows I want him to do the opposite, but I feel like I'm gaining control again haha...we'll see. I also went for my routine ob/gyn appt. I liked the doc a lot (Capital Women's Care in Clarksville), although she did stick her finger up my ass, which was slightly weird but much less uncomfortable than i had imagined. She said I should chart a few more months and if things are still crazy and I'm not gettin P (my term for pregnant) then she could give me clomid which apparently stimulates ovulation. Hopefully we'll just be lucky this month though and i won't have to worry about that =). I still haven't o'd though and it's cd23... uggh. The stress of 2 year old tantrums must be getting to me =p haha. In happier and less weird news, my parents are visiting. My mom brought kai a bunch of new clothes for the summer which was cool and of course a few presents (activity books and a the little mermaid movie). We watched part of the movie this morning which I think i enjoyed way more than kai and then we napped while my mom went to the wilmur eye clinic to get her freaky eye disease checked... turns out she has constricted blood vessels or something and the lack of blood flow is causing the retina to deteriorate. I guess there's no treatment at the moment but if she develops scar tissue there is a treatment for that... so for now it's just waiting. This afternoon my dad headed down to DC for his conference and my mom and kai and I ventured out to Bertucci's, Home Depot, and BJs. I'm sad to say my little christmas tree is not doing so well... it's all brown and droopy. I bought it a new pot today and some nice new dirt, so hopefully it will come back to life. Apparently i was drowning it too cause when i went to re-pot it, the little paper that was covering its old pot was full of water =\ oops! Poor little plant... please say a prayer for it! BJs was cool... i really like costco better, but bjs did carry a different selection of foods and things that i really like. They also had a ton more stuff for babies (food, pottys, formulas, diapers). Costco has a much smaller selection of baby stuff and carries no foods. Costco is a lot bigger, more organized, and cleaner looking. Not sure how the prices differed... i might have to look into that. I have the option of getting either membership so I'll have to think about it. This evening we just relaxed and Kai played with his trains. I'm pretty exhausted. I'll add my pictures later. 10pm... so early... but yet falling asleep. Later peeps!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Yesterday morning we went to the tot shabbat at Temple Isaiah. Kai had a lot of fun. There were two three year old boys that he ran around with.
The woman played guitar and sang and read them a story. The kids were a little wild but it was still fun and the parents were friendly. After that they did a craft and ate cookies and juice. Kai chose a pink crown and decorated it with a bunch or circles and stars. We will probably go again next month... it's the 3rd saturday every month i think. We just hung out here in the evening.
I finally got an opk strip that i decided to call + but it was my last one so I have no way of checking. Temp was up a little today but will need to see what happens tomorrow. My parents are visiting this week so we are looking forward to that. We are going to try to do some stuff around Baltimore / Columbia, which reminds me i need to check which imax is playing this friday!

Saturday, February 21, 2009
Dinner and an IMAX
Kai was in a mad tantrum phase again yesterday. After about 5 time outs in the am, I resorted to banning Thomas and golf for the day. I spent like an hour cutting out some trains from paper and decorating them with him and when we were done he had a tantrum, screamed he didn't like them, and threw things all over the place... Things went much better after the Thomas ban. We read some books, played with some non-thomas toys, ate some lunch, and fell asleep watching Finding Nemo. When we woke up daddy called and we decided to meet him at the Maryland Science Center in the Inner Harbor. We got really good parking right across light st.
Kai and I looked at the dinosaurs which he loved and then moved on the the Kid's room. He played with the pin thing again and then we discovered the big water trough with boats and stuff and he played there until Daddy showed up. We checked out a few more things and then walked to UNO in the freezing cold and got a pizza for take out. We ate it on a bench in the little mall thing and then ran back to catch the 7pm IMAX which is free on Fridays. They were showing Antarctica, which I wasn't sure Kai would like but he ended up really liking it, especially the penguins and seals... the only problem was he kept yelling things out and pointing lol, but I think we can do this again =). In other updates opk still neg yesterday... not sure what's going on... i'm on cd 20 and i only have 1 o test left (i had 10)... weird. That's all for now.

Thursday, February 19, 2009
Wall Art
Also known as Kai's smiley face art in black crayon on my bedroom wall, the shower stall glass, and the train table.
Today we just sat around, cleaned, and played. I think the art made its appearance on my walls sometime around 11am when I was cleaning the kitchen. Jordan got home early today which was nice. He and Kai roller skated in the back for a little while and then came in and played, so I was actually able to take a relaxing shower. I definitely didn't shower since the pool cause i still smelled like chlorine haha. We watched LOST after Kai went to bed. I have always gotten scared very easily by tv so lost is about the limit of what i will watch, and i would never watch it without jordan. I kind of don't like the show, but i also want to know what's going to happen.. uggh. =) Ok boring post... i'm out!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Moody Monday (on a Wednesday)
Today was a big cranky day... I kind of thought Kai was getting sick but he seemed fine tonight so who knows. Jordan worked from home in the morning. We attempted to take Kai swimming around 11:30 but he just started shivering and didn't want to swim, so I took him out gave him a hot shower and dressed him. We then took turns swimming laps for about 10 min each. It was kid of fun, but it made me super hungry and sleepy. We came home and ate and napped. Kai was in a better mood after that but of course didn't want to get his shoes and coat on as usual when we had to bring Fiona to the airport. I'm kind of tired of the constant fights to get him dressed... I need to think up a new plan for that, I suppose involving some sort of distraction. Jordan got home at a good time today but I was pooped and Kai was in a mood again, so he took over. Kai had asked me to draw him a Thomas picture and i drew it like 3 times each followed by a hysterical crying fit saying "I don't like it"... guess my drawing skills aren't good enough for a 2 year old. That was when i gave up and banned AquaDoodle for the night. Jordan then played some computer games with him and when that was over we made kai go to bed early. Jordan fell asleep while we were putting him to bed so that's it for the night I suppose. I'm awake and bored though so now i need to amuse myself till i'm tired enough to fall asleep. No pictures today... we'll see how tomorrow goes. Gonna just sit at home all day i think... recoup from this weeks adventures. Laters.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
DC Adventures
Today we spent the day in DC. We stopped at a Dunkin Donuts on the way and went through the drive thru and they somehow confused our order with someone else's even though all we ordered was a medium french vanilla coffee. When I got to the pickup window, they told me it was $8 and three different people asked me if I ordered a bagel before finally understanding all we ordered was the coffee which really smelled nothing like french vanilla (it was for fiona so i didn't actually taste it). We then drove around looking for parking for a good 15-20 min and just as we were getting to a lot we finally found a meter, so that was some good luck.
After parking we jogged to the National Archives to prevent Fiona from peeing herself. Kai (after insisting he didn't have to) also let out quite a large volume of "peeps." The National Archives is always cool... all those crusty old papers on which our country is based. It's awesome that we can still go look at them after so many years. Kai was amused for about half the loop and then we walked around stepping on all the circles on the floor. Next we ate some lunch on a stone wall outside the archives, fed the meter, and headed off to the Smithsonian American Art Museum. There were some awesome photos in the portrait gallery including some celebs that I really enjoyed.
They were huge blow ups and you could see every detail of their faces. My favs were Angelina Jolie and the one of these 4 guys one of which was the dark haired guy from Jurassic Park. There was also a weird sculpture of a temple or something made of aluminum foil...very odd.. After the art museum we wasted the rest of our meter time walking around on the mall. It turned out to be a beautiful day and Kai enjoyed looking through all the rocks on the path (which also made for very slow walking.)
The last things we did were a quick drive by of the White House and find a new parking space to walk to the Lincoln Memorial. There was an especially beautiful view that day. The sky was very blue and the reflecting pool looked amazing. Unfortunately, I left my camera in the car for that part of the trip.. The drive home was way better than i had imagined. I think we left DC around 4:15 and got to Columbia just about 1 hr later. We stopped to get some groceries on the way home. Kai had fallen asleep in the car so I threw him in my baby ergo carrier (mentioning the name here because i LOVE this carrier), thinking he'd wake up a few minutes later, but no, he slept through the entire shopping experience which made getting a giant bucket of kitty litter into the cart quite a challenge... thank goodness fiona was with me or I think i probably would've given up and left the bucket in the middle of the aisle =). So after a day of WAAAY more exercise than I've been doing during this lazy winter hibernation, I threw together some fish cutlets, ate, and headed to bed with Kai while my husband and sil headed out on a mission to find some cookies. I think that was around 8pm which is why I'm now up at 4am doing this. Also I temp at random times during the night cause that's the only way I can manage to do it after a significant stretch of sleep. I was expecting my shift but nothing, so I guess better keep trying for a few more days. I was way too tired last night and trying in the am has been a bad idea so far since the little monkey wants to be in whatever room we are in. That's about it for yesterday. Peace.

Monday, February 16, 2009
Park and a Snooze

Oh Fussy Days
Since I was too tired to do this last night i'll post now. Kai was acting extra 2-year-oldish yesterday. In the morning when we were trying to clean up the house he had lots of tantrums and was
running wild. It the age for this, but it makes those days extra long. He also managed to get into the laundry basket and pull all the clothes out. At some point in the morning I slammed my finger in our sandwich maker while cleaning it. I guess i bruised my thumb bone cause i still can't bend it great. We picked up my sister in law at 11:45. She is here for 4 days which is nice =). We ventured to the Baltimore science museum and became members. Looks like kai will have a lot of fun there. There's a kids room with lots of hands on stuff. You know those things with all the pins in it that you can press your hand (or face) into to make an impression?
Well there's one of those but it's HUGE like maybe 5ft x 5ft. That was fun for our entire family =). There was also one of those message tubes like the drive trough bank tellers have and a video thing where you could see yourself on tv. I also noticed a train table on the way out but decided not to point it out to my son as we were trying to leave, not get him hooked for 5 hrs. After that we grabbed some lunch at a seafood place which was great. I forget what it was called but it was right next to the science museum. I feel like Kai hasn't eaten anything in days. Yesterday he had some goldfish for lunch and some apple sauce for dinner... not sure what's going on but hopefully whatever it is will pass soon. After we relaxed at home a little, Gerald came over. I don't think we've seen him since his wedding in June 07. We went to our favorite restaurant, Bankok Delight (in Columbia). Kai knocked over Garald's glass right into his food hahaha... poor Gerald. We had a good time though and the guys came back and played Wii all night.
The muliplayer feature of mario cart (through the internet) is pretty amusing. In other news, my opk seemed lighter than the day before so I guess I'll see how today's looks... may have missed the surge, but that's ok cause we've been keepin the bases covered this month =). I had a temp dip of about .3-.4C this morning also which could indicate ovulation if i get a rise tomorrow. Well, I'm off to make corn muffins for the babe. More later.

Saturday, February 14, 2009
Valentine's Day Outings
Last night i wrapped up a bunch of art supplies i had bought for Kai, so he could open them today. He really loves opening stuff so he had a great time. He used all the art stuff to make a card for a little girl's third bday that we went to this afternoon and also did some paintings. Jordan gave me some beautiful flowers and a really sweet card. I'm lucky to have someone like him... he's really thoughtful =). Around 11 we all went swimming.
Daddy and Kai decided to try on their goggles before they left and got a little silly. Kai loves dunking his head underwater now and swims till he's shivering. He fell asleep in the car on the way to the birthday party and napped for a good 30 min at the party while the other kids were running by. He had lots of fun playing tea party with the older girls that were there. He stood there for the longest time pretending to take the lid off the teapot, pour the tea, drink the tea, and put the lid back on the pot... very cute. On the way home we went to the library. Kai finally let me actually read him some books while we were there. He loves reading but gets really distracted by other kids. The evening had been nice... relaxing, ordering out for pizza, and playing with Kai. Hopefully he will head to bed early tonight so mommy and daddy can work on his brother or sister ;). OPK was darker today but no surge yet. It was fun seeing a lot of small babies at the party today. I definitely miss it and can't wait to experience the whole thing again. Hopefully God will bless us with another. Still praying every day that me and Lisa get to do this together! =) k, I'm out!

Friday, February 13, 2009
The things i say...
I was going to write the context next to these but decided they will be more humorous if left to the imagination...
UPDATE - I will now include things my family says as well
"One of us has gotta be on top" - Steph
"Hey guys, lets tickle" - Kai
UPDATE - I will now include things my family says as well
"One of us has gotta be on top" - Steph
"Hey guys, lets tickle" - Kai
Intro .. sort of
I chose to entitle my blog "life goes on" because that's generally how i feel about things. everything we do or experience is a part of the cycle of life, and whatever happens, good or bad, i believe in stuff working out however it's supposed to. God has a plan for me... anyway, i will record some of the details of our family's journey here, mostly for fun, but partly for my husband and son to read later when God gives us some time to be bored =) I also called my blog website myfamismyworld. I guess I've always felt like people in my life come and go but family is forever. Of course i love my friends as well and even strangers... but my strength and goodness comes from my family, especially my husband who is my best friend and my son who reminds me to enjoy life. They make me a better person.
Today was an art day. Kai and I painted, played with sand (yes inside the house), and made
Vday cards with glitter glue. There was a lot of mess but also a lot of fun. I like to be really oc about keeping things clean but i think it's good to try to let things like that go sometimes... gotta live life and worry less =P. Kai ate half a chicken quesadilla for lunch so we're making progress with eating. We also made granola cookies and brought some to the neighbors. Kai of course played with the neighbor's trains and then had a big tantrum when we had to leave. We were going to meet daddy at the library but it closed too early so instead we went to target and got roller blades haha! I just though of a great idea. I say the stupidest things all the time so I am going to dedicate a post to these things.... look for it!
later peeps.
Today was an art day. Kai and I painted, played with sand (yes inside the house), and made

later peeps.
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