Thursday, February 4, 2010
Luna Isabella is here ...
... and is almost 3 months old already!! Born on the awesome date of 11/10/09, Luna decided to make a super fast appearance at 3:39 in the morning. I had been having irregular contractions all day, so we went down to Columbia thinking we wanted to be close to the hospital. Around 5 pm I ran over to the doctor's office to get checked and was 3 cm 70% effaced... they should have told me to hang around but instead said it could be today or tomorrow or whenever, so we went home. Around 11pm the contractions got regular and we left at 1am. I think we made it to the hospital around 2 am and the anesthesiologist was with a c-section patient, so that's the story of my all natural, unmedicated birth =]. It was horrible and i made pouty face at the doctor between each contraction, but she was out with only 11 minutes of pushing and now i wouldn't have had it any other way. My 4.5 hour labor was totally unexpected considering with Kai I was in Labor for like 36 hours or something rediculous. This pregnancy had been way more difficult than with Kai, so I knew Luna was bound to make for na interesting delivery! I had a super fast birth and a super fast recovery, probably because I was no where near as exhausted as last time, although let me tell you, walking the mall for 2 hrs beforehand was probably not the best idea I ever had. After I slept a little I felt great though and Luna is such a wonderful baby. She is shy like me and if you sit quitely with her she makes these little coo noises hahaha.... so cute! She usually has on her serious thinking face, but it's still beautiful. She has now giggled 3 times, twice with kai and once when she laughed at the man who came to fix a few things in our house. The new house is great and perfect for us and the kids. Kai has lots of room to run and play and we now have a nice big king bed to fit us all in. Kai is doing great with Luna. He loves her so much and thinks she's really cute... sometimes he hugs and kisses a little too much, but I feel blessed to have such a loving family. Anyway, here's a collage of my peanut from birth until now. Hopefully I will keep up a bit better in the coming months!

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