We had a fun couple days with my parents here. My mom hung out with me and Kai on Tues and Wed. Kai is looking really huge in this picture with her. We met some new relatives on Thus. They came over for lunch and were really nice. I think they are pro

bably 5-10 yrs older than my parents. I'm getting more into cooking and find myself wishing I knew how to make more things... I always fall back on chicken cutlets and some sort of pasta because I know they will come out good. The heart healthy bisquick mix is also one of my fav things... biscuits take about 2 min to mix up. Anyway, on Friday, my parents and I went to Centennial Park and played on the playground and wandered around a little.

Then we went out to eat at Ruby Tuesday which was nice and in the evening we went to the Science Museum. The free imax this week was the Bayou, which was about hurricane Katrina, and raising awareness about the wetlands or whatever they are called that are disappearing around New Orleans. I liked it a lot, and Kai did fine even though it was a more serious topic. The story followed a young girl who is a pro fiddle player so there was a bunch of music. We went to breakfast at Bob Evans on Sat before my parents left... I love that place

... breakfast all day and the food is always yummy. Anyway, it was great to have them visit. Kai always has a blast with them and Daisy of course. It was nice to have some calm time over the weekend though cause it's always busy and crazy when my fam visits. We went to splash down (an indoor water park) which was nice cause there's was a very shallow baby pool which Kai could pretty much manage on his own. I was expecting more from an indoor water park. There were only 2 tube slides and then a rope swing and some lap pools. I guess it's fun if you are bored in the winter but I wouldn't exactly call that a "water park." More like a swim center plus 2 water slides.

We'll probably go back though... jordan really enjoyed the slides. I decided not to go on them just incase i'm pregnant. If I'm not though I might have to try it next week =). On Monday it snowed a bunch... maybe 5 inches?? We went outside and played with the neighbors which was fun. Kai kept belly flopping into the snow. The 3 boys were really cute.

Hopefully I'll get to hang out more with them this summer. I've been hibernating a lot this winter and I know they go out the the gym and to playgroups a bunch. This week Kai and I went to a 3 year old playgroup. I've been having a really hard time deciding what to do with him. When we go to groups with younger kids (2 and under) he ends up just playing by himself cause he really doesn't connect with the other kids, and he likes playing with more complicated toys or being really crative with setting up trains or characters. We've played with a few kids who are older (3 yr range) and he has played really well with them, so that's why I wanted to try the 3 year group. Some of the time, I think it was good for him, like when he was playing this alphabet laptop game with one of the boys, but at other times he really just acts like a 2 year old, since he is one (not respecting personal space, pushingkids out of the way, tantrums). Most of his "2 year oldness" seems to come out when he's playing with trains. Unfortunately the house we were at had a train table. He just gets so obsessed with them that he can't play with anything else or interact with the other kids. I think this group would be good for him though and the moms were really nice. Hopefully in the spring we will be going outside a lot and haveing the meetups outside too and some of this train craziness will subside. He always has a HUGE tantrum when we have to leave someone else's train table, which I've found dificult to deal with. I really want him to understand what I'm saying to him, but he obviously is only 2. I suppose this will get better over time. Yesterday we visited Lisa, which was a lot of fun. We went grocery shopping, and she made us the best pancakes I've ever had... I ate so many I felt like barfing. We also played in the snow and on the new playground thing they have at her place. Kai had a great time... send me those pictures if you're reading this Lisa! =) I'm praying we both get out +'s tomorrow! My boobs are sore and bigger and I'm tired and crampy so hopefully thats a good sign... thought I had a very faint + today, but it's questionable. The waiting part is horrible. Kai says i'm gonna have twins lol... we'll see. Today was a lazy / laundry day... I've been exhausted, so it was nice to just catch up on relaxing and get things cleaned up around here a little. I'm pretty sure we will do the same tomorrow, although maybe we will venture out to the park or the mall playground if it's cold. More tomorrow...
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