I hate this game... very frustrating to not know. I'm not sure what women used to do before the days of 20 mIU/ml HCG tests. With Kai I had a lot of restraint somehow and didn't test until 18 dpo.. maybe cause we were poor then, or maybe cause I didn't know 90 cent internet pregnancy tests existed. I'm only 10 dpo and have already take 2.... I think it's a + (!!) but can't tell for sure yet. I'm waiting to tell my fam until I get a real line. I took this pic quite a bit after the recommended reaction time. Anyway, I guess the days go pretty fast anyway. This morning I folded a million loads of laundry and played Bembo's Zoo with Kai (http://www.bemboszoo.com/ thanks to uncle tre). Kai is getting pretty good withthe mouse. He can get it over the letter he wants to click and can click on it about 1/2 the time... pretty cool. I don't think I used a mouse until I was in 1st grade computers class.

He's getting really big now and can do so much. He's really excited about having a new baby (says he wants a sister) and he also likes the name that's on the top of our list right now. Kai had a good nap and I actually woke up before him for once. He was so cute sleeping on the bed with kitty... I think i could watch him all day. It reminds me of when he was a baby and jordan and I would smell his breath when

he slept with his mouth open. It smelled so good like vanilla... I don't think i'll ever forget that smell. This afternoon we walked to a park with our neighbor which was fun. We hadn't been to that park yet. It was nice, except wooden playgrounds make me a little nervous since I remember getting tons of splinters as a kid. It was also more remote than the one we usually go to, which is right across from an elementary school. This evening we are being lazy... or I am anyway. I had a pretty bad headache a

little while ago (hopefully cause I'm the big P?) so I ate left overs, made Kai a frozen pizza, and turned on the tv haha. Daddy is working late tonight, but the weather is supposed to be beautiful this weekend, so I'm really looking forward to some quality family time =). As my blog title says, my fam is everything to me and it's been hard for me and kai having to be away from daddy a bunch. We're thinking of moving closer to his work at some point so he can spend his hour commute with us instead =). Time to stop being lazy and play now!
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