Monday, March 9, 2009

Happily Tired

I feel like I have pregnancy brain already... I can't even remember what I did this morning. I think I worked on some annoying bills and cleaned up. I also made my first appointment for the 30th yay =). Kai and I had a nice nap in the afternoon... I think we woke up around 2:30 or 3. We went to Dollar Tree to buy some pregnancy tests just incase i felt concerned but they were out of them so we just bought a giant slimey centipede instead. I think I'll just wait for my blood test which i think will be in a week or 2 and see what my levels are. I'm feeling good today... nice and pregnant =). I still feel like it's a girl. I went grocery shopping and used the little hand scanny thing that you carry around the store. I kept just putting things in the bag and it turns out I bought cookies, crumb cake, M&Ms, pepermint candies, and apples. At least the apples are healthy lol. I'm really into cookies and pastas these days. I can't believe how fast that happened... I feel like it took longer last time. With Kai i ate chicken for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and like a pound of cheese every 3 days hahaha gross. After the grocery store we went to the park and then I came home and cooked meatloaf, veggies and roasted potatoes. I'm gonna try to stay mostly healthy but we'll see =P. Jordan's been really good since he got home helping out with dishes and Kai so I can have a rest. Sounds like Kai is making trouble in the bath though so I better be off =).

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