Friday, March 13, 2009

Did I Get Bonked On The Head?

No... it's just pregnancy brain. I've been sitting here for about 10 min trying to remember what we did this morning and nothing is coming to me. I remember eating a waffle...and then... nothing. I might have to start blogging twice a day HAHAHA. Well at least I am amused by myself I guess. Oh I do also remember playing "flick the spider" with Kai. He prings me his two little spiders that he won at Chuck E. Cheese the other day and I say "eww gross!" with a scrunched up face and fling them across the room and he cracks up. After nap time we ordered a pizza from Domino's since daddy is working late and the two of us ate the majority of our large thin crust. When we finished pigging out our neighbor came over and the boys "played," which mostly involved Kai grabbing whatever Logan wanted to play with or pushing him away. I really hope this stage doesn't last too long because he'd be having way more fun if he wasn't sitting in time out all the time. Tomorrow I think we will be heading down to the DC area with a possible visit to my brother. I guess we'll just see how it goes and maybe try to do something that's fun for Kai. I'm off to check on the shrimp that appeared to be wedged between 2 rocks about an hour ago. Hopefully she was just having a snooze!

PlayGroups Or PlayGround

On both tuesday and thursday Kai and I went to playgroups. Tuesdays is the 3 year old group. I actually really like everyone who's been there... I'm not sure they like us, but they have been very nice and welcoming. Kai has been on a bit of a crazy streak. If another kid walks over to him, he for some reason expects that they are going to take away whatever he is playing with, so instead of waiting to see what will happen, he preemptivvely pushes them. It's really making him out to look like a bully when I know he's not. Hopefully this overcompensation for being bullied himself in the past will crank back the other way again when he realizes the kids in the group are nice. So far the kids around here all seem really well behaved... there've been a few exceptions, but I'm pretty amazed. The 24-36 mongh playgroup yesterday was ok. It was kind of awkward at the beginning cause the other moms knew each other and kind of talked to each other, but once more people got there it was a little better. I also had to keep moving all around to continually discipline Kai so that didn't really help the friend making. I probably wouldn't go to that one again. We are hosting the 3 year old group at our house next week and people actually signed up to come so hopefully that will go well. I'm not sure about this whole playgroup thing in general though... I'll give it a chance, but I think maybe I'll be better at meeting people at playgrounds... it ends up being more 1 on 1 which I like. I'm pretty easy to get along with so hopefully we will have some friends soon. We love hanging out with Meredith and her kids but she works part time so we can't hang out as much as we'd like. We also like Melissa and Bennett, who are coming this weekend yay! But they also both work, so it's hard to meet more than once a month. Oh well I guess we'll see how the spring goes =). Last night we went to Chuck E. Cheese...Kai loves that place. We went to the one in Laurel which I liked better than the last one we went to. It was well lit and more open and not nearly as hot inside. Kai got 2 plastic spiders with the tickets he and daddy won. This morning my dollar store test was really dark yay!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Happily Tired

I feel like I have pregnancy brain already... I can't even remember what I did this morning. I think I worked on some annoying bills and cleaned up. I also made my first appointment for the 30th yay =). Kai and I had a nice nap in the afternoon... I think we woke up around 2:30 or 3. We went to Dollar Tree to buy some pregnancy tests just incase i felt concerned but they were out of them so we just bought a giant slimey centipede instead. I think I'll just wait for my blood test which i think will be in a week or 2 and see what my levels are. I'm feeling good today... nice and pregnant =). I still feel like it's a girl. I went grocery shopping and used the little hand scanny thing that you carry around the store. I kept just putting things in the bag and it turns out I bought cookies, crumb cake, M&Ms, pepermint candies, and apples. At least the apples are healthy lol. I'm really into cookies and pastas these days. I can't believe how fast that happened... I feel like it took longer last time. With Kai i ate chicken for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and like a pound of cheese every 3 days hahaha gross. After the grocery store we went to the park and then I came home and cooked meatloaf, veggies and roasted potatoes. I'm gonna try to stay mostly healthy but we'll see =P. Jordan's been really good since he got home helping out with dishes and Kai so I can have a rest. Sounds like Kai is making trouble in the bath though so I better be off =).

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Happy, Sad, And A Trip To The Zoo

Today has been a day of crazy mixed emotions. I'm so happy that I'm pregnant, but I also feel sad that there are so many people who want it just as badly as me, and it's not fair that sometimes it's difficult. I feel selfish asking God to watch over me and my baby when there are so many who need those prayers more than me. All the babies born into disease and starvation, and those that are lost too early... sometimes I wonder how things like that are even possible. Coping with loss and difficult times is so hard and not being able to help or say anything to fix it is so frustrating. I know without sadness we would never feel joy, but that doesn't make it any easier. Tonight I am praying for everyone who has had to suffer through the loss of a child, no matter what the age, hoping that God gives them strength.

In other news, we made our first trip to the National Zoological Park. It was actually really nice! We saw tons of animals including pandas, gorillas, lions, tigers, wallabys, elephants, and a komodo dragon. Most were pretty close up, which was cool (yes the apes in this picture are walking right over my head). There were a lot of people so we had to park a few blocks away since the lots were full, but the walk wasn't too bad and it was definitely worth it. We are definitely looking forward to going back again. There were a bunch of things we didn't even get to see and we were there for at least a few hours. Kai was up and down today. He enjoyed seeing some of the animals, but didn't really get a proper nap today and so was extra fussy when it came to listening to mommy. Next time I think we will try to get there really early. I think Kai would be in a better mood and I think the animals might wander around more if there was less of a crowd. Tomorrow I will call my ob to make my 1st appointment.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

P is for ...

PREGNANT!! woowoo!! I am sooo excited! I thank God every day for having such a wonderful family, and to be blessed with another child is just so amazing. I felt so lucky when I found out I was pregnant with Kai and I feel exactly the same right now. =) Thanks Lisa for "making me" test early lol. It's such a relief to know! I am now really enjoying all my cramps and sore boobs. As of now I'm predicting a girl... I feel like I could just eat cookies all day and I'd be the happiest person ever LOL. So besides finding out about being impregnated, today was also awesome because it was like 70 degrees out. This morning we went to Bob Evans to celebrate (actually mostly because I was starving and ran out of my unhealthy breakfast foods) and then we spent most of the rest of the morning driving around in search of this amazing playground we found back when Jordan was interviewing at Hopkins. After 2 or 3 failed attempts, I finally took over the Garmin and was able to find the correct one, along with Jordan's great memory that there was a Target nearby. We will definitely be going back there. Tomorrow we are going to head down to the DC zoo. The weather is supposed to be great again and I'm really looking forward to being outside =). I think Kai is gonna love it! All I have to say is YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!

Friday, March 6, 2009

The Waiting Game

I hate this game... very frustrating to not know. I'm not sure what women used to do before the days of 20 mIU/ml HCG tests. With Kai I had a lot of restraint somehow and didn't test until 18 dpo.. maybe cause we were poor then, or maybe cause I didn't know 90 cent internet pregnancy tests existed. I'm only 10 dpo and have already take 2.... I think it's a + (!!) but can't tell for sure yet. I'm waiting to tell my fam until I get a real line. I took this pic quite a bit after the recommended reaction time. Anyway, I guess the days go pretty fast anyway. This morning I folded a million loads of laundry and played Bembo's Zoo with Kai ( thanks to uncle tre). Kai is getting pretty good withthe mouse. He can get it over the letter he wants to click and can click on it about 1/2 the time... pretty cool. I don't think I used a mouse until I was in 1st grade computers class. He's getting really big now and can do so much. He's really excited about having a new baby (says he wants a sister) and he also likes the name that's on the top of our list right now. Kai had a good nap and I actually woke up before him for once. He was so cute sleeping on the bed with kitty... I think i could watch him all day. It reminds me of when he was a baby and jordan and I would smell his breath when he slept with his mouth open. It smelled so good like vanilla... I don't think i'll ever forget that smell. This afternoon we walked to a park with our neighbor which was fun. We hadn't been to that park yet. It was nice, except wooden playgrounds make me a little nervous since I remember getting tons of splinters as a kid. It was also more remote than the one we usually go to, which is right across from an elementary school. This evening we are being lazy... or I am anyway. I had a pretty bad headache a little while ago (hopefully cause I'm the big P?) so I ate left overs, made Kai a frozen pizza, and turned on the tv haha. Daddy is working late tonight, but the weather is supposed to be beautiful this weekend, so I'm really looking forward to some quality family time =). As my blog title says, my fam is everything to me and it's been hard for me and kai having to be away from daddy a bunch. We're thinking of moving closer to his work at some point so he can spend his hour commute with us instead =). Time to stop being lazy and play now!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Catching Up

We had a fun couple days with my parents here. My mom hung out with me and Kai on Tues and Wed. Kai is looking really huge in this picture with her. We met some new relatives on Thus. They came over for lunch and were really nice. I think they are probably 5-10 yrs older than my parents. I'm getting more into cooking and find myself wishing I knew how to make more things... I always fall back on chicken cutlets and some sort of pasta because I know they will come out good. The heart healthy bisquick mix is also one of my fav things... biscuits take about 2 min to mix up. Anyway, on Friday, my parents and I went to Centennial Park and played on the playground and wandered around a little.

Then we went out to eat at Ruby Tuesday which was nice and in the evening we went to the Science Museum. The free imax this week was the Bayou, which was about hurricane Katrina, and raising awareness about the wetlands or whatever they are called that are disappearing around New Orleans. I liked it a lot, and Kai did fine even though it was a more serious topic. The story followed a young girl who is a pro fiddle player so there was a bunch of music. We went to breakfast at Bob Evans on Sat before my parents left... I love that place... breakfast all day and the food is always yummy. Anyway, it was great to have them visit. Kai always has a blast with them and Daisy of course. It was nice to have some calm time over the weekend though cause it's always busy and crazy when my fam visits. We went to splash down (an indoor water park) which was nice cause there's was a very shallow baby pool which Kai could pretty much manage on his own. I was expecting more from an indoor water park. There were only 2 tube slides and then a rope swing and some lap pools. I guess it's fun if you are bored in the winter but I wouldn't exactly call that a "water park." More like a swim center plus 2 water slides. We'll probably go back though... jordan really enjoyed the slides. I decided not to go on them just incase i'm pregnant. If I'm not though I might have to try it next week =). On Monday it snowed a bunch... maybe 5 inches?? We went outside and played with the neighbors which was fun. Kai kept belly flopping into the snow. The 3 boys were really cute. Hopefully I'll get to hang out more with them this summer. I've been hibernating a lot this winter and I know they go out the the gym and to playgroups a bunch. This week Kai and I went to a 3 year old playgroup. I've been having a really hard time deciding what to do with him. When we go to groups with younger kids (2 and under) he ends up just playing by himself cause he really doesn't connect with the other kids, and he likes playing with more complicated toys or being really crative with setting up trains or characters. We've played with a few kids who are older (3 yr range) and he has played really well with them, so that's why I wanted to try the 3 year group. Some of the time, I think it was good for him, like when he was playing this alphabet laptop game with one of the boys, but at other times he really just acts like a 2 year old, since he is one (not respecting personal space, pushingkids out of the way, tantrums). Most of his "2 year oldness" seems to come out when he's playing with trains. Unfortunately the house we were at had a train table. He just gets so obsessed with them that he can't play with anything else or interact with the other kids. I think this group would be good for him though and the moms were really nice. Hopefully in the spring we will be going outside a lot and haveing the meetups outside too and some of this train craziness will subside. He always has a HUGE tantrum when we have to leave someone else's train table, which I've found dificult to deal with. I really want him to understand what I'm saying to him, but he obviously is only 2. I suppose this will get better over time. Yesterday we visited Lisa, which was a lot of fun. We went grocery shopping, and she made us the best pancakes I've ever had... I ate so many I felt like barfing. We also played in the snow and on the new playground thing they have at her place. Kai had a great time... send me those pictures if you're reading this Lisa! =) I'm praying we both get out +'s tomorrow! My boobs are sore and bigger and I'm tired and crampy so hopefully thats a good sign... thought I had a very faint + today, but it's questionable. The waiting part is horrible. Kai says i'm gonna have twins lol... we'll see. Today was a lazy / laundry day... I've been exhausted, so it was nice to just catch up on relaxing and get things cleaned up around here a little. I'm pretty sure we will do the same tomorrow, although maybe we will venture out to the park or the mall playground if it's cold. More tomorrow...